Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Embracing Change & Removing Obstacles

It is the start of a wonderful new time of year and for some of us it is also the start of a new journey. Just this past weekend began both the 200 hour and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings. I have the honor to co-teach the 200 hour YTT with Silver Kim and it is always exciting to see students go from generally attentive and interested during classes to passionately intrigued and actively seeking a deeper expression of their practice and understanding of yoga beyond class. Frankly, it wasn't so very long ago that I was one of them. And now after some years of teaching and continued progress in my practice and learning, I find my interest piqued even more. It is like hiking alongside a waterfall and after climbing so far and reaching the top of a fall you find that there is a fall above it that you hadn't seen and another fall above that one and so on and so forth. Luckily for me the 300 hour YTT has come at a time when I can attend and be as fully invested as possible. But not unlike any new venture or anytime we take a step toward or daringly into the unknown, doubt, fear and other obstacles arise.

You have all seen this handsome and auspicious guy in the studio and perhaps elsewhere. He is known as Ganesha, Ganesh, Ganapati, just to list the most frequently used names. Widely recognized as the "Remover of Obstacles", he is often prayed to or honored during times of new beginnings, especially those that may pose extra challenges, whether they be new ones or familiar challenges re-emerging despite futile attempts of suppression or avoidance.Throughout our lives and experiences we start to view ourselves in certain ways, recognizing our strengths, talents, tendencies, and naturally developing some self-limiting ideas in accordance with the labels that we place upon ourselves as we see these various aspects of personality and lifestyle. When CHANGE is introduced it can feel extremely threatening and scary. The paradox here is that even if you actively choose the change and even when it is a change that you know will better an aspect of your life that could really use some refining and betterment, it can still feel extremely threatening and scary. This is when our friend Ganesha can offer his assistance.

Ganesha is a deity who has the body of a man and the head of an elephant, thus he represents (among too many things to mention here) the human yearning to connect with Nature. With his generous pot belly, he represents the bounty of Nature and the Universe; which is truly always supporting our evolution and encouraging us to THRIVE through our many and various experiences in this life. As we strive to connect with and integrate with Nature and our unique, individual, authentic natures, we are forced to face that which distracts us from it- obstacles, challenges, fears, doubts, and the many other factors that we try to deny, ignore, and avoid. With his four hands, Ganesha is equipped in the following ways to help us stay the course: to eliminate those worldly attachments that prove unnecessary and potentially distracting; repel obstacles that might hinder or discourage us; illuminate and navigate the path of truth; and remind us of and protect the sweetness of the inner self, dare I say the bigger SELF.

So with Ganesha in my corner (not to mention all over my house and person), I will do my best to accept and embrace the changes that will come as I continue on my journey to discover more of my potential, to see and convey clearer my truth, to recognize the nature of my bigger Self that is a reflection of that which is truly Divine and GOOD and the vast amount of obstacles that may be on that path. Figuratively, to simply keep climbing to the top of the waterfalls, to the SOURCE.

~OM Sri Ganeshaya Namah~

(mantra to honor Ganesha and cultivate success, prosperity, wisdom, strength, and illumination)

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